AS Media final piece evaluation
The main purpose of our opening sequence was to portray and highlight the stereotypes for British and Foreign people. We wanted to show how easily people make stereotypes based upon the looks of an individual. Our two 'foreign' characters were played by people with dark hair with facial hair. People would relate this to Russian people or Scandinavian people. We used a blonde male for our British actor as that is a stereotype.
Areas of success
One area we were successful in was adapting as a group to the constant changes that we had to make when filming and planning our production. Some things out of our control went wrong which keen to we had to adapt where we filmed and what we filmed. When filming a train came across where we were filming meaning that we had to adapt the ending to our production to something else that we had not planned. Another thing we did well was the smooth transactions we got between shots, our production wasn't jumpy and ran very smoothly which means that it is easy to watch and the audience isn't distracted by unsmooth transactions. Another area of success was the variety of shots that we used, we explored many different shots and angles to try and get the best and most effective angle to suit our production.
Areas for improvement
With areas for improvement I would have liked to have spent more time with the group sat down planning our story line so that it comes across easily to the audience. I would make sure that the story line is easy to follow and easy to film. Another improvement I would make is to start filming earlier so that none of it is rushed, because when we rushed parts this year, those parts were the worst parts.
Audience feedback
The feedback we got was the feedback that we wanted, most of the feedback was that they understood what was being portrayed in our production. A few people noticed that the music went along well with what was happening in the scene at the time. However some people found the story line hard to follow, which is what I want to improve on in my A2 production. - Downfall AS Media