Thursday, 3 November 2016



The plot for our film is going to start with a boy/man walking in a dark road with a few dimly lit street lights.

He will be texting someone (girl) that he is on his way to meet.

However as we film the actor walking towards us we will see a black figure in the background following him.

That figure will proceed to catch up with the actor and attack/murder/assault him. He will then take his phone and continue texting the person (girl).

She won't have any idea about what has happened so she will welcome this person into her home.

She will leave the door unlocked and request that he just walk in.

Then we will have a shot where we see the man creep up on the girl and no one knows what happens next.

The screen will go black and there

Who is your audience?

Who is mine and Gwion's audience?

Me and Gwion have reviewed and researched into who our potential audience would be, we found that our target audience would be people between the age of 15 and 21. People who enjoy horror films which are a little bit twisted and keep people wondering & on the edge.

Our target audience will be people who enjoyed films such as The Woman in Black & The Shining. This is because our film will be the same genre as this, it is an unexacting horror where you don't know what is going to happen next and it is jumpy and keeps you awaiting the next jump scene.  

We have chosen this target audience because it fits the genre of our film, people enjoy jumpy horrors where you see things before the actor sees them.


Age - The age of our audience will be 15+, but our target audience will be 15-21 year olds.

Interests - They should be interested in solving mysteries, murder cases, figuring out who it is/was & be interested in scary, jump scenes which contain violence and horror.

Views - They would have had a good view on horror/thriller films. A good understanding of what is going on and how the film is developing.

Opinions - Their opinion on jump horror/thriller films will have to be a positive one for them to enjoy the film. If they are negative they won't appreciate the film.

Fast girls

Today we watched the film fast girls. Fast Girls is a 2011 British drama film directed by Regan Hall and written by Jay Basu, Noel Clarke and Roy Williams. It stars Lenora Crichlow, Lily James, Bradley James, Noel Clarke and Rupert Graves. The film follows the story of two women as they become professional sprinters and join the British relay team for a World Championship event.  

The film portrays lots of youth culture stereotypes. About a young black girl & her sister having a difficult childhood and being kicked out of their house & needing a way out. Shania (Lenora Crichlow) sees her way out as running. This is because she is a very talented runner.

It also portrays the differences in socio-economic class as there is Shania competing against a rich girl & she's also competing against her dad as well in an way. This is because her dad wants her to perform to the level he wished he could. He wants her to live the career he wanted and wished he had.

Media consumption

Our target audience will most likely be people who have consumed a lot of media, whether they have watch lots of films, similar to ours or not, read books, maybe books that have become films. They are active media consumers so therefore have the capacity for skepticism, judgement, free thinking, questioning, and understanding.

They consume other media through television and film. People that watch TV series that have multiple series and/or watch films that often have a sequel or more then that are the people who will be our main target audience. This is because we want to leave people questioning what is happening or make them try and predict whats going to occur next.

We also want keen film watchers who enjoy film/movie nights. Our target audience will mainly be the film fanatics who love films and love breaking down films and analysing them.