Monday, 8 May 2017

A2 Music Video - Heathens, twentyonepilots

This is the link for our A2 Music Video

This is mine and Gwion's A2 Media final product. We chose to do a music video for the twentyønepilots song - Heathens. This was the second idea we had after unsuccessfully planning a horror/thriller short film. We felt this idea suited us better and we test us more creatively but also be easier for us to execute. We had a good plan and idea in place for this music video.

Friday, 21 April 2017

Ancillary Texts - DVD COVER

This is my DVD cover for my A2 music video - Heathens. I chose this dark style theme because I felt it matched the song, the lyrics and the music video really well.

Friday, 14 April 2017

Ancillary texts - Website

This is the link to the website I have created to promote my band, Lloyd & Gwion. I decided to do the homepage of the website because I feel that this is what will attract people to remain on the website and to check out some of the music that is being produced. 

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Q4: How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

This is the link to my Prezzi, I posted it to YouTube because Prezzi would not allow me to save it.

This is my evaluation question 4. Q4: How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? I answered this question in the form of a Prezzi. This question involved writing the equipment that I used in order to film my project as well as what I used to execute the research and planning stage of my project. I answered this question in the form of a Prezzi presentation.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Q3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

This is my answer for Evaluation Question 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback? I answered the question in the form of a powerpoint slideshow.

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Q2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

This is my answer for Evaluation Question 2.  
I answered this question in the form of a podcast.
For this question I discussed: 
-   The effects of Web 2.0 on artists promotion. 
- Why I chose to create my website on
- My decision to create and artist website rather than a music video website
- How it is important to create a theme for my artist
- How I linked the music video, DVD cover and website 
- The fonts that I used 
- My DVD cover on
- Why I switched between colour and black and white
- How each product promotes one another

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This is my answer for Evaluation Question 1, In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? I answered this question in the form of a commentary. Both me and Gwion discussed and answered this question in the form of a commentary.

These are the music videos we mentioned in the commentary: Heathens - twentyonepilots Ride - twentyonepilots Fairly local - twentyonepilots Shut up and dance - Walk The Moon Houdini - Foster The People OK Go - The One Moment Take Me To Church - Hozier Something Different - Why Don't We What Do You Mean? - Justin Bieber

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Mrs Banks 6/2

In todays lesson we discussed bloggers and vloggers.

We listed off multiple vloggers/bloggers and we discussed what their role is within the media industry. We discussed consumer produced media and that is what most vloggers/bloggers are.
They show their daily lives and products etc that they feel are worth showing to their audiences or that they are sponsored, and paid, to show their audience.

Casey Neistat is a vlogger who uses his vlog and his audience to promote his business and his future ideas. He has gained an audience and has always used them as feedback when pitching his ideas or his business ideas to them.

New idea

We have filmed almost all of our new idea and have edited up to 2 minutes out of the 3 minute and 16 second song 'Heathens" by twenty one pilots.

We will continue to film the final pieces of our music video this week as we aim to complete it by Friday 10th February.

We aim to complete it by then so that we can begin our evaluation questions and our ancillary texts.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Change of idea

We changed our idea from a short movie to a music video. We did this because we weren't confident in our idea and as we explored the music aspect we became more interested an thought of better ideas that we were more motivated to do.

We then decided on the song we wanted to do a music video about. We both enjoy listening to twenty one pilots so we listened to some of their songs and then decided on which one we wanted to make a video for.

We chose the song "Heathens" from the film Suicide Squad because we felt as if we had developed a good idea for the video that matches the theme of the song.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Filming and editing equipment

To film our project we will be using the Sony Handycam HDR-cx240E camcorder. This is a good camera as it is very light and versatile, it will allow us to get every shot we need and it will allow us to plan the shots we need and we can challenge ourselves because we will know what we are going to be able to do. This camera was my own and it broke during recording so we used the Canon Legria HF R606 as a replacement.

To edit our project we will use iMovie. iMovie is a software which is very convenient for me as it is already available on my Macbook Air. It is a very well developed software which is easy to use and provides good features that can assist me during the post production of our project.