Thursday, 26 January 2017

Change of idea

We changed our idea from a short movie to a music video. We did this because we weren't confident in our idea and as we explored the music aspect we became more interested an thought of better ideas that we were more motivated to do.

We then decided on the song we wanted to do a music video about. We both enjoy listening to twenty one pilots so we listened to some of their songs and then decided on which one we wanted to make a video for.

We chose the song "Heathens" from the film Suicide Squad because we felt as if we had developed a good idea for the video that matches the theme of the song.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Filming and editing equipment

To film our project we will be using the Sony Handycam HDR-cx240E camcorder. This is a good camera as it is very light and versatile, it will allow us to get every shot we need and it will allow us to plan the shots we need and we can challenge ourselves because we will know what we are going to be able to do. This camera was my own and it broke during recording so we used the Canon Legria HF R606 as a replacement.

To edit our project we will use iMovie. iMovie is a software which is very convenient for me as it is already available on my Macbook Air. It is a very well developed software which is easy to use and provides good features that can assist me during the post production of our project.