Monday, 5 December 2016
TV essay
In today's lesson we began our TV essay. We first have to write about the history of TV and programmes such as Byker Grove and Grange Hill. I wrote about how these 2 programmes show similar issues amongst the youth of society, and they use similar storylines that involve things such as sex, drugs, violence, alcohol, gangs etc. Grange Hill in particular was very realistic and tried their best to present the issues as realistic as they were, but the BBC didn't want the show to head in that direction so director Phil Redmond had to tone the issues down and make them more unrealistic and more light hearted.
Thursday, 1 December 2016
Today I watched multiple horror, jump scare, thriller kind of films. I did this because seeing other ideas from professionals will hopefully give me new ideas or ideas that I can alter to make it more natural. Films such as the Conjuring and the Shining were good examples of creative ideas that keep viewers waiting and then appear at the most unexpected time. They delay the person/monster being shown for a little while because it makes people panic for longer, then they make the audience feel as if nothing is coming and that's when the monster/person enters the frame with a scream or music that will allow the figure to appear even scarier.
Production idea
Stalker is presented as the boyfriend from the start
Washing hands of blood and washing a knife, audience may believe it is just ketchup or something
Over the shoulder of him looking out the kitchen window with a pitchfork or shovel stuck in the ground
Then follow his journey to the girls house
Put on the supposed dead boys clothes
Stand on watch and put it on
Text asking 'when are you coming'
Then the storyboard sequence minus the boy because he is dead
Text conversation, loved up turns blunt
Fling the doors open and don't close them
Freya opens the door and you walk straight up the stairs and she questions why you arent answering her, then over the shoulder shot, freyas reaction then black screen then scream.
This is a brief production idea where I have just expressed ideas for my final production.
Washing hands of blood and washing a knife, audience may believe it is just ketchup or something
Over the shoulder of him looking out the kitchen window with a pitchfork or shovel stuck in the ground
Then follow his journey to the girls house
Put on the supposed dead boys clothes
Stand on watch and put it on
Text asking 'when are you coming'
Then the storyboard sequence minus the boy because he is dead
Text conversation, loved up turns blunt
Fling the doors open and don't close them
Freya opens the door and you walk straight up the stairs and she questions why you arent answering her, then over the shoulder shot, freyas reaction then black screen then scream.
This is a brief production idea where I have just expressed ideas for my final production.
In today's lesson we watched Youngers. Youngers is about 2 young males who want to become famous as a rapper and a music producer. One of the boys is intelligent and gets mostly A grades in his GCSE's, his name is Yemi and he is Nigerian. He has strict parents that don't want him to be a music producer. Jay is more of a failure, he only gets one C in his GCSE's and his dad thinks he's a waste of time. Jay is a player and gets caught playing 2 girls. The only thing he is good at is rapping so that's what he strives to do.
Thursday, 3 November 2016
The plot for our film is going to start with a boy/man walking in a dark road with a few dimly lit street lights.
He will be texting someone (girl) that he is on his way to meet.
However as we film the actor walking towards us we will see a black figure in the background following him.
That figure will proceed to catch up with the actor and attack/murder/assault him. He will then take his phone and continue texting the person (girl).
She won't have any idea about what has happened so she will welcome this person into her home.
She will leave the door unlocked and request that he just walk in.
Then we will have a shot where we see the man creep up on the girl and no one knows what happens next.
The screen will go black and there
The plot for our film is going to start with a boy/man walking in a dark road with a few dimly lit street lights.
He will be texting someone (girl) that he is on his way to meet.
However as we film the actor walking towards us we will see a black figure in the background following him.
That figure will proceed to catch up with the actor and attack/murder/assault him. He will then take his phone and continue texting the person (girl).
She won't have any idea about what has happened so she will welcome this person into her home.
She will leave the door unlocked and request that he just walk in.
Then we will have a shot where we see the man creep up on the girl and no one knows what happens next.
The screen will go black and there
Who is your audience?
Who is mine and Gwion's audience?
Me and Gwion have reviewed and researched into who our potential audience would be, we found that our target audience would be people between the age of 15 and 21. People who enjoy horror films which are a little bit twisted and keep people wondering & on the edge.
Our target audience will be people who enjoyed films such as The Woman in Black & The Shining. This is because our film will be the same genre as this, it is an unexacting horror where you don't know what is going to happen next and it is jumpy and keeps you awaiting the next jump scene.
We have chosen this target audience because it fits the genre of our film, people enjoy jumpy horrors where you see things before the actor sees them.
We have chosen this target audience because it fits the genre of our film, people enjoy jumpy horrors where you see things before the actor sees them.
Age - The age of our audience will be 15+, but our target audience will be 15-21 year olds.
Interests - They should be interested in solving mysteries, murder cases, figuring out who it is/was & be interested in scary, jump scenes which contain violence and horror.
Views - They would have had a good view on horror/thriller films. A good understanding of what is going on and how the film is developing.
Opinions - Their opinion on jump horror/thriller films will have to be a positive one for them to enjoy the film. If they are negative they won't appreciate the film.
Interests - They should be interested in solving mysteries, murder cases, figuring out who it is/was & be interested in scary, jump scenes which contain violence and horror.
Views - They would have had a good view on horror/thriller films. A good understanding of what is going on and how the film is developing.
Opinions - Their opinion on jump horror/thriller films will have to be a positive one for them to enjoy the film. If they are negative they won't appreciate the film.
Fast girls
Today we watched the film fast girls. Fast Girls is a 2011 British drama film directed by Regan Hall and written by Jay Basu, Noel Clarke and Roy Williams. It stars Lenora Crichlow, Lily James, Bradley James, Noel Clarke and Rupert Graves. The film follows the story of two women as they become professional sprinters and join the British relay team for a World Championship event.
The film portrays lots of youth culture stereotypes. About a young black girl & her sister having a difficult childhood and being kicked out of their house & needing a way out. Shania (Lenora Crichlow) sees her way out as running. This is because she is a very talented runner.
It also portrays the differences in socio-economic class as there is Shania competing against a rich girl & she's also competing against her dad as well in an way. This is because her dad wants her to perform to the level he wished he could. He wants her to live the career he wanted and wished he had.
Media consumption
Our target audience will most likely be people who have consumed a lot of media, whether they have watch lots of films, similar to ours or not, read books, maybe books that have become films. They are active media consumers so therefore have the capacity for skepticism, judgement, free thinking, questioning, and understanding.
They consume other media through television and film. People that watch TV series that have multiple series and/or watch films that often have a sequel or more then that are the people who will be our main target audience. This is because we want to leave people questioning what is happening or make them try and predict whats going to occur next.
We also want keen film watchers who enjoy film/movie nights. Our target audience will mainly be the film fanatics who love films and love breaking down films and analysing them.
We also want keen film watchers who enjoy film/movie nights. Our target audience will mainly be the film fanatics who love films and love breaking down films and analysing them.
Thursday, 6 October 2016
Collective identity essay
In today's lesson we made improvements to our collective identity essay. We added Hebdiges theory to our essay because we did research on it for homework. His theory suggests that the representation of youths is very limited. He also suggests that the medias representation of youths is not reality. Our collective identity essay is structured by having the films we have watched and at the start and then the theories that they link to.
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
My Brother the Devil
In todays lesson we finished watching 'My Brother the Devil'. I enjoyed watching the film because it very well directed and gives a good view of youth culture and what it is like to be in a London gang, or any gang for that matter. It has a really good story line which you can follow, the story line also allows you to make relationships with the characters and you feel as if you are with them when dangerous things are taking place. The viewer gets the message of the film very easily.
Film composition
In today's lesson we looked at film composition within Wes Anderson films such as Fantastic Mr. Fox and The Grand Budapest Hotel. Having the main point of focus in the middle of the screen draws all of the audiences attention towards it.
Wes Anderson likes to do it a little bit different to everyone else because most directors have the main point of the shot in one of the corners using the rule of thirds. But Anderson prefers to have the main point of the shot in the middle of the shot.
Wes Anderson likes to do it a little bit different to everyone else because most directors have the main point of the shot in one of the corners using the rule of thirds. But Anderson prefers to have the main point of the shot in the middle of the shot.
Thursday, 22 September 2016
My Brother the Devil 1
In today's lesson we began watching 'My brother the devil'. The film is a gang violence film which is based in London. It is also a Youth culture film that follows two brothers, one who is dealing drugs in order to escape gang life as quick as possible and one who wants to be like his brother and join the gang.
The film presents the youth characters in this film as thugs and rule breakers. This is because Rash and Mo aren't allowed to smoke or drink alcohol because of their religion but they do it most days and earn money through dealing drugs. Within the film there are many stereotypes to do with youth culture. Such as the gang members having tattoos at a young age. The film is set in London which is where the most well known gangs are from, or where most gangs are based/formed.
My brother the devil trailer -
The film presents the youth characters in this film as thugs and rule breakers. This is because Rash and Mo aren't allowed to smoke or drink alcohol because of their religion but they do it most days and earn money through dealing drugs. Within the film there are many stereotypes to do with youth culture. Such as the gang members having tattoos at a young age. The film is set in London which is where the most well known gangs are from, or where most gangs are based/formed.
My brother the devil trailer -
Monday, 19 September 2016
Project planning
Over the last week we have been doing our project planning in our group. For project planning we have discussed genre of film we want to produce and the ideas of how our film. We have decided that we will make a thriller with the edginess of a horror. We will make the adjustments to our mood board because we previously planned to do a cryptic horror film.We have discussed locations and actors because we want to be as organised as possible in order to meet our deadlines with a high quality piece of work.
We decided to try a different genre at A2 compared to AS. At AS we chose an action genre so for A2 we thought we would try and make a thriller film.
Our rough film plot is a boy visiting a girls house when an unknown person confronts/abducts him. The unknown person then continues the text conversation the boy and girl were having. He lets himself into her house and goes up top her room to find her. It is a rough idea which we will experiment with and change/adds things to our film.
We will need to discover the best location for our film to be shot. We will most likely need to use many different locations.
We decided to try a different genre at A2 compared to AS. At AS we chose an action genre so for A2 we thought we would try and make a thriller film.
Our rough film plot is a boy visiting a girls house when an unknown person confronts/abducts him. The unknown person then continues the text conversation the boy and girl were having. He lets himself into her house and goes up top her room to find her. It is a rough idea which we will experiment with and change/adds things to our film.
We will need to discover the best location for our film to be shot. We will most likely need to use many different locations.
Sunday, 3 July 2016
Peer questions
In class, we peer assessed other members of the classes work by asking each other relevant questions to do with their AS production, the questions I got asked were:
1) What relevance does seeing the male get out of bed and get changed have to the story line?
- Seeing the male get out of bed and get changed when recieving a text is showing the audience that he lives a normal life, even though later in the production it shows him spying on people and hiding away.
2) Why does he receive a text and then leave the house?
- The male recieving a text then leaving his house is showing that his job is one that is dictated by people of a hierarchy, his position is one that requires him to be ready when called upon.
3) What's the point in the male using binoculars when on the bridge?
- The male using binoculars emphasises the point that he is spying on people or looking for information, it also puts a spotlight on what he is looking at, two other males who are in the middle of a field being overlooked by a train track.
1) What relevance does seeing the male get out of bed and get changed have to the story line?
- Seeing the male get out of bed and get changed when recieving a text is showing the audience that he lives a normal life, even though later in the production it shows him spying on people and hiding away.
2) Why does he receive a text and then leave the house?
- The male recieving a text then leaving his house is showing that his job is one that is dictated by people of a hierarchy, his position is one that requires him to be ready when called upon.
3) What's the point in the male using binoculars when on the bridge?
- The male using binoculars emphasises the point that he is spying on people or looking for information, it also puts a spotlight on what he is looking at, two other males who are in the middle of a field being overlooked by a train track.
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
AS Media critical review
AS Media final piece evaluation
The main purpose of our opening sequence was to portray and highlight the stereotypes for British and Foreign people. We wanted to show how easily people make stereotypes based upon the looks of an individual. Our two 'foreign' characters were played by people with dark hair with facial hair. People would relate this to Russian people or Scandinavian people. We used a blonde male for our British actor as that is a stereotype.
Areas of success
One area we were successful in was adapting as a group to the constant changes that we had to make when filming and planning our production. Some things out of our control went wrong which keen to we had to adapt where we filmed and what we filmed. When filming a train came across where we were filming meaning that we had to adapt the ending to our production to something else that we had not planned. Another thing we did well was the smooth transactions we got between shots, our production wasn't jumpy and ran very smoothly which means that it is easy to watch and the audience isn't distracted by unsmooth transactions. Another area of success was the variety of shots that we used, we explored many different shots and angles to try and get the best and most effective angle to suit our production.
Areas for improvement
With areas for improvement I would have liked to have spent more time with the group sat down planning our story line so that it comes across easily to the audience. I would make sure that the story line is easy to follow and easy to film. Another improvement I would make is to start filming earlier so that none of it is rushed, because when we rushed parts this year, those parts were the worst parts.
Audience feedback
The feedback we got was the feedback that we wanted, most of the feedback was that they understood what was being portrayed in our production. A few people noticed that the music went along well with what was happening in the scene at the time. However some people found the story line hard to follow, which is what I want to improve on in my A2 production. - Downfall AS Media
The main purpose of our opening sequence was to portray and highlight the stereotypes for British and Foreign people. We wanted to show how easily people make stereotypes based upon the looks of an individual. Our two 'foreign' characters were played by people with dark hair with facial hair. People would relate this to Russian people or Scandinavian people. We used a blonde male for our British actor as that is a stereotype.
Areas of success
One area we were successful in was adapting as a group to the constant changes that we had to make when filming and planning our production. Some things out of our control went wrong which keen to we had to adapt where we filmed and what we filmed. When filming a train came across where we were filming meaning that we had to adapt the ending to our production to something else that we had not planned. Another thing we did well was the smooth transactions we got between shots, our production wasn't jumpy and ran very smoothly which means that it is easy to watch and the audience isn't distracted by unsmooth transactions. Another area of success was the variety of shots that we used, we explored many different shots and angles to try and get the best and most effective angle to suit our production.
Areas for improvement
With areas for improvement I would have liked to have spent more time with the group sat down planning our story line so that it comes across easily to the audience. I would make sure that the story line is easy to follow and easy to film. Another improvement I would make is to start filming earlier so that none of it is rushed, because when we rushed parts this year, those parts were the worst parts.
Audience feedback
The feedback we got was the feedback that we wanted, most of the feedback was that they understood what was being portrayed in our production. A few people noticed that the music went along well with what was happening in the scene at the time. However some people found the story line hard to follow, which is what I want to improve on in my A2 production. - Downfall AS Media
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