Monday, 19 September 2016

Project planning

Over the last week we have been doing our project planning in our group. For project planning we have discussed genre of film we want to produce and the ideas of how our film. We have decided that we will make a thriller with the edginess of a horror. We will make the adjustments to our mood board because we previously planned to do a cryptic horror film.We have discussed locations and actors because we want to be as organised as possible in order to meet our deadlines with a high quality piece of work.

We decided to try a different genre at A2 compared to AS. At AS we chose an action genre so for A2 we thought we would try and make a thriller film.

Our rough film plot is a boy visiting a girls house when an unknown person confronts/abducts him. The unknown person then continues the text conversation the boy and girl were having. He lets himself into her house and goes up top her room to find her. It is a rough idea which we will experiment with and change/adds things to our film.

We will need to discover the best location for our film to be shot. We will most likely need to use many different locations.

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